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Hezbollah's strike on Israel, Tuareg attack on Wagnerians in Mali - Weekend brief

Hezbollah's strike on Israel, Tuareg attack on Wagnerians in Mali - Weekend brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

The Lebanese terrorist group Hezbollah shelled a stadium in a Golan Heights settlement, killing 12 Israelis. Meanwhile, fighting broke out between Tuareg rebels and Russian PMC Wagner fighters.

Read more about what happened on the Weekend, July 27-28.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

News for July 27

News for July 28

Hezbollah strike on Golan Heights stadium

On Saturday, Israel reported that Hezbollah had struck in the Majdal Shams area. This attack was immediately called the deadliest. The strike killed 11 people on a sports field and injured more than 30 others.

After the strike, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu instructed his flight to depart from Washington to Israel immediately.

The US expressed concern that the strike on the Golan could lead to a war between Israel and Hezbollah.

Read more about the situation in the region in RBC-Ukraine's article.

Who are Tuaregs and what is known about their attack on Wagner PMC convoy in Mali

On the evening of Saturday, July 27, photos and videos of a broken convoy of Wagner PMC fighters in the African country of Mali stirred up the network. Responsibility for the attack was claimed by Tuareg rebels from the CSP-PSD movement.

Read more about the attack on Wagner's men in Mali and who the Tuareg are in the RBC-Ukraine article.

French Interior Minister was sent letter with plague - Parisien

A letter with the plague virus was sent to the French Interior Ministry, reports Le Parisien. It was addressed to the head of the ministry, Gérald Darmanin.

The suspicious letter was detected and intercepted on Saturday, July 27, in the sorting center at the post office. A suspicious black powder was found in it, after which an examination was started.

The test was conducted by the Nuclear, Radiological, Biological, Chemical, and Explosives Police. Rapid tests showed a slight positive reaction to the plague.

Ukraine to create peace plan by end of November

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy states that Ukraine will develop an action plan to achieve peace by the end of November 2024.

According to him, Kyiv will begin detailed discussions with the relevant countries on the issue of territorial integrity.

“Patience, support, and diplomatic pressure are the three factors for a just end to the war,” the president said in an interview with NHK.

Russia tells US about Ukraine's 'covert operation', Washington asks Kyiv to stop - NYT

Russia complained to the United States about Ukraine's alleged preparation of a “covert operation.” Washington asked Kyiv to restrain, reports The New York Times.

In July, Russia's new Defense Minister Andrei Belousov called Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin. Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Austin has spoken to the Russian defense minister on the phone only five times. Almost always, the Pentagon initiated the conversations.

Austin first contacted Russia's new defense minister on June 25. The US said it was trying to keep “lines of communication open.”

Harris' vice presidential candidates: Bloomberg reveals short list

US Vice President Kamala Harris focused on three contenders who could potentially become the Democratic vice presidential candidate, reports Bloomberg.

According to the newspaper, Harris is considering a wide range of candidates for the Democratic vice presidential nomination. However, people familiar with the process say that a short list of candidates has already been formed.

It includes three elected officials who are popular across the country. The list includes:

  • Arizona Senator Mark Kelly;
  • Pennsylvania Governor Josh Shapiro;
  • Minnesota Governor Tim Walz.