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Russians attack village in Kherson region: Half of wounded are children

Russians attack village in Kherson region: Half of wounded are children Photo: Russian Federation attacked Kherson and the region (Getty Images)

On the morning of July 28, Russian troops attacked the Komyshany village near Kherson. Six people were injured, including three children, according to the Kherson Regional Military Administration (RMA), the Office of the Prosecutor General, and the head of the Kherson RMA, Oleksandr Prokudin.

"The Komyshany village was under enemy fire. A family was injured, including two children," stated the Kherson RMA.

According to the administration, a 32-year-old woman suffered explosive injuries to her face, torso, arms, and legs. Her children, a 10-year-old girl and a 15-year-old boy, were also injured.

The daughter sustained an explosive injury and a concussion. The son was diagnosed with an abdominal injury and a leg wound. Additionally, a 75-year-old woman suffered explosive and craniocerebral injuries, along with a contusion.

Later, it was reported that two more people were injured in Komyshany.

"A 17-year-old boy sustained an explosive injury and a concussion due to the morning shelling. He sought medical help on his own," added the RMA.

A 56-year-old local woman was also injured. She was hospitalized with leg injuries and a concussion.

The Office of the Prosecutor General noted that the condition of two of the children is assessed as moderate, while the third, a 17-year-old teenager, is in serious condition.

Shelling of Kherson and region

On the evening of July 27, around 21:00, Russian troops shelled Kherson, hitting a residential building. A 70-year-old woman sustained fatal injuries.

Additionally, as noted by the head of the RMA, Oleksandr Prokudin, a college building in the center of Kherson was struck, causing a fire.

Moreover, at the same time, the occupiers attacked the village of Lvove in the Beryslav district with artillery.

"As a result of a hit to a residential building, an 87-year-old man was killed," added the prosecutors.