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Israel announces Hezbollah strike on Golan Heights stadium, casualties reported

Israel announces Hezbollah strike on Golan Heights stadium, casualties reported Israel announces Hezbollah strike (photo: Getty Images)

Tonight, 11 people were killed in the Majdal Shams area as a result of the deadliest Hezbollah attack to date, according to The Times of Israel and The Jerusalem Post.

According to the newspaper, among the dead were children and teenagers aged 10 to 20, and more than 34 people were injured with varying degrees of severity and taken to hospitals.

According to the IDF's assessment of the situation and IDF intelligence, Hezbollah fired the missile toward Majdal Shams.

The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs stated that “there is no doubt Hezbollah crossed all red lines.”

“We arrived at the soccer field and saw destruction and items on fire. Victims were lying on the grass, and the scenes were difficult. We immediately began triaging the injured. Some of the injured were taken to local clinics, and our teams were directed to those clinics as well. During the incident, there were additional alerts and medical treatment for the injured is still ongoing,” said Idan Avshalom, a senior MDA medic, upon arrival at the scene.

Majdal Shams is a town in the Golan Heights, located at the southern foot of Mount Hermon. The city is known as the unofficial “capital” of the region.

Netanyahu is returning from the United States urgently

According to The Times of Israel, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has instructed his flight to depart from Washington to Israel as early as possible.

It is now known that Netanyahu is discussing the deadly Hezbollah missile attack on Majdal Shams with his military secretary, Major General Roman Gofman.

After the Hamas terrorists' attack on the Gaza Strip last year and the start of the IDF's military operation, militants of the Islamic radical movement Hezbollah began attacking the northern regions of Israel in solidarity with Islamic movements in the region.

We reported that at the beginning of the month, Hezbollah fired more than 200 rockets and 20 drones into northern Israel.

This happened after the Israeli army had struck southern Lebanon a few days earlier and killed one of the top commanders of the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah.