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Ukrainian drones attack oil refinery and air bases in Russia, damaging Tu-22M3

Ukrainian drones attack oil refinery and air bases in Russia, damaging Tu-22M3 Illustrative photo: Ukrainian drones damaged a Tu-22M3 bomber (Getty Images)

Ukrainian intelligence drones attacked an oil refinery and three military airfields in Russia. A Tu-22M3 bomber was damaged at the Olenya air base, according to RBC-Ukraine sources in the special services.

On the night of July 27 and in the morning of the same day, Ukraine's intelligence attacked the air base in Engels in the Saratov region, Dyagilevo air base in the Ryazan region, and Olenya air base in the Murmansk region.

The attack by kamikaze drones also damaged an oil refinery in Ryazan.

According to eyewitnesses, the first explosions at the Dyagilevo airfield occurred around 6 a.m. local time. Social media posted footage of overflights, and smoke, reporting at least three explosions.

This airfield is home to the 43rd center for the combat use and retraining of Russian aircrew. Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3, Tu-134UBL, and Il-78 aircraft are based here, and an aircraft repair plant is located nearby.

The explosions at the Engels air base, where Russian strategic aviation is stationed, were around 8 a.m. Local media reports indicate that Russian air defense tried to shoot down the drones but with no success

According to the sources, a TU-22M3 long-range supersonic bomber-missile carrier was damaged as a result of the hit on the Olenya air base. This airfield is located about 1,800 kilometers out of the Ukrainian border.

The results of the UAVs' hits on other Russian military targets are currently being clarified.

Night explosions in Russia

At night, Russians reported a drone attack on the Bryansk and Kursk regions. There were explosions there and air defense systems were operating.

The Russian Ministry of Defense said that a total of 12 drones were “shot down” over the territory of Russia that night: in the Kursk, Belgorod, Rostov, Bryansk, and Lipetsk regions.

In the morning, Russia reported an attack on the Ryazan region, where drones were spotted. Explosions were heard near the Dyagilevo airfield, where there was a cloud of smoke.