Political analyst and parliamentary correspondent since 2009, specializing in domestic and international policy. A regular guest on Ukrainian news channels.
Education: Graduated from the Kyiv National Economic University with a degree in Enterprise Economy.
Career: Worked as a political analyst for Glavred (glavred.info) (2009-2011), Ukrainskyi Tyzhden (tyzhden.ua) (2011-2012), and Focus (focus.ua) (2013-2018) magazines. In 2015, worked as a press secretary for the Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Culture of Ukraine, leading the press office of the Ministry of Culture.
Since September 2018, political analyst of RBC-Ukraine.
In 2018, participated in an internship in the United States in the framework of the Open World program of the U.S. Congress.
Awards: Runner-up (2nd place) in the PRESSZVANIE-2018 journalistic contest.