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Deadly Russia's strike at Kostiantynivka supermarket and new US aid package - Friday brief

Deadly Russia's strike at Kostiantynivka supermarket and new US aid package - Friday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

On Friday, August 9, Russian forces carried out an airstrike with a Kh-38 missile at the center of Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region. Meanwhile, the United States announced a new $125 million military aid package for Ukraine.

Read more about what happened on Friday, August 9.

Russians launch a missile strike at Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region

On Friday, August 9, Russian troops carried out an airstrike with a Kh-38 missile at the center of Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region. The terrorists targeted the Ekomarket supermarket, which also had a Nova Poshta post office. In addition to the destroyed supermarket, nearby kiosks and vehicles were also damaged.

As a result of the enemy strike, 14 people were killed and another 43 were injured. Among the dead, there may be three children.

For more details on the consequences of the shelling, read the RBC-Ukraine report.

US announced new military aid package for Ukraine

On August 9, the United States announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $125 million.

The new package includes:

  • Stinger missiles
  • Ammunition for HIMARS;
  • 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition;
  • Multi-mission radars;
  • TOW anti-tank missiles;
  • Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems;
  • An unspecified number of HMMWV armored vehicles;
  • Small arms ammunition;
  • Demolitions equipment and munitions;
  • Equipment to protect critical infrastructure;
  • Spare parts and auxiliary equipment

Ukraine's defense intelligence conducts raid on occupied Kinburn Spit, Mykolaiv region

Special forces of Defense Intelligence of the Ministry of Defense of Ukraine conducted a raid on the temporarily occupied Kinburn Spit.

During the raid, the special forces destroyed six units of enemy armored vehicles and about thirty invaders.

On the spit, the soldiers attacked the enemy’s fortifications at their positions Kinburn Fortress, Marine Station, and Monument to Suvorov.

Near the Monument to Suvorov position, the fighters planted the Ukrainian intelligence combat flag.

Iran to transfer hundreds of Fath 360 ballistic missiles to Russia soon

Iran is expected to transfer short-range ballistic missiles, Fath 360, to Russia soon. Hundreds of these missiles are expected to be delivered.

According to two Reuters sources in European intelligence, dozens of Russian military personnel are undergoing training in Iran on the use of Fath 360 missiles. The "only next possible step" after the training is the transfer of such weapons to Russia.

The sources revealed that the Russian Ministry of Defense signed a contract with Iranian officials on December 13 for the supply of Fath 360 and another ballistic missile system developed by Iran's Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO), called Ababil.

The European intelligence sources did not specify the exact timing of the possible delivery of Fath 360 missiles to Russia but indicated that it would happen soon.

Ukraine strikes Russian Lipetsk airfield

On the night of August 9, the Security Service of Ukraine, in cooperation with the Armed Forces of Ukraine and the Special Operations Forces, delivered a powerful strike on the Russian military airfield Lipetsk-2.

According to sources, several dozen fighters, helicopters, and warehouses with over 700 guided aerial bombs were at the airfield.

The Ukrainian drone attack caused a powerful explosion, triggering a chain reaction and a massive fire over a significant portion of the airfield. Local authorities confirmed the detonation and announced the evacuation of residents from nearby settlements.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine reported that as a result of the attack on the Russian airfield, warehouses with guided bombs and several other important facilities in the area of the airfield were affected. A strong fire broke out at the strike site, with multiple sources of ignition and repeated detonations observed.

Lithuania announces robust military aid package for Ukraine

In August, Lithuania will provide Ukraine with a robust package of military assistance.

It will include:

  • 14 M113 armored personnel carriers,
  • short-range air defense systems with missiles,
  • drone jamming systems,
  • all-terrain vehicles with spare parts
  • cargo trailers;
  • 20-tonne telescopic loaders,
  • wheel loaders,
  • guns,
  • ammunition,
  • smoke munitions.

Security Service of Ukraine strikes enemy helicopter with FPV drone again

For the second time in a week, the soldiers of the Center for Special Operations "A" of the SSU attacked the enemy helicopter with an FPV drone during its flight in the Kursk region of Russia.

Currently, other details about the strike are not being disclosed, but judging by the video, the helicopter was hit in the tail section.