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Iran may soon transfer hundreds of Fath 360 ballistic missiles to Russia - Reuters

Iran may soon transfer hundreds of Fath 360 ballistic missiles to Russia - Reuters Photo: Russia may receive Fath 360 missiles from Iran (

Iran may soon deliver short-range ballistic missiles, the Fath 360, to Russia. Hundreds of such missiles are expected to be supplied, Reuters reports.

According to information from two sources in European intelligence, dozens of Russian military personnel are undergoing training in Iran on the use of Fath 360 missiles. The "only next possible step" following the training is the transfer of such weaponry to Russia.

Sources told Reuters that Russian Ministry of Defense officials signed a contract with Iranian officials on December 13 for the supply of Fath 360 and another ballistic missile system developed by the Iranian state organization Aerospace Industries Organization (AIO) called Ababil.

The two European intelligence sources did not provide exact timelines for the potential delivery of Fath 360 missiles to Russia but indicated that it will happen soon.

A representative of the US National Security Council has already stated that the US and its NATO allies are "are prepared to deliver a swift and severe response if Iran were to move forward with such transfers."

Meanwhile, the Russian Ministry of Defense has ignored Reuters' request for comment.

What is known about the Fath 360

It is worth noting that Iranian Fath 360 missiles can strike targets within a radius of 120 kilometers and have warheads weighing 150 kg.

A few years ago, Defense Express reported that experts consider Iranian Fath 360 missiles to be analogous to American HIMARS. In particular, they have satellite guidance capabilities.

According to Reuters, the supply of such missiles could allow Russia to use its own long-range missiles for striking targets beyond the front lines, while the Iranian weaponry would be intended for closer-range actions.

It should be noted that rumors about Iran supplying ballistic missiles to Russia have already appeared in the media. In February of this year, Reuters also reported that Russia had received hundreds of Zolfaghar missiles, which can destroy targets at distances of up to 700 kilometers.

However, such rumors have not been confirmed by Ukrainian intelligence or other official sources.