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Russian strike on Kostiantynivka: Children may be among victims

Russian strike on Kostiantynivka: Children may be among victims Photo: Children may be among the victims in Kostiantynivka ( Filashkin)
Author: Daryna Vialko

Three children may be among the victims of a Russian missile strike on Kostiantynivka, Donetsk region, according to the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration Vadym Filashkin.

"Among the dead, there are possibly three children, but the bodies are severely damaged, and only an expert examination can confirm this. Among the injured, one person is in critical condition and has been transported for treatment to Dnipro, while the others are receiving medical care within the region," Filashkin reported.

According to him, the rescue and search operation has been temporarily suspended due to safety concerns.

Kostiantynivka shelling on August 9

On the morning of August 9, Russian forces attacked Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region with a Kh-38 missile. The Russian army hit a shopping center and a Nova Poshta branch.

The enemy strike resulted in 14 deaths and 43 injuries.

Shortly afterward, the Russian army shelled Kostiantynivka for the second time, striking the city with Smerch rockets. Two people were injured in this attack.

For more details on the aftermath of the shelling, read the material by RBC-Ukraine.