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Russian army shells Kostiantynivka in Donetsk region again: Casualties reported

Russian army shells Kostiantynivka in Donetsk region again: Casualties reported Photo: Russian forces have shelled Kostiantynivka again, with injuries reported (

Russian forces again struck Kostiantynivka in the Donetsk region. As a result of the shelling, two people have been injured, according to the Telegram channel of Vadym Filashkin, head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration.

"Another shelling of Kostiantynivka - 2 civilians injured," writes Filashkin.

According to the head of the Donetsk Regional Military Administration, this time the enemy struck the private sector with Smerch rockets. As a result of the shelling, the following were damaged:

  • 6 private houses
  • Gas pipeline

Shelling of Kostiantynivka on August 9

Around 11 AM, terrorists first struck Kostiantynivka. According to Filashkin, the enemy used a Kh-38 missile against the city. Specifically, a branch of Nova Poshta was hit.

As of 4:02 PM, the known casualties are:

  • 12 killed
  • 44 injured

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy also released a video showing the aftermath of the shelling.