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US announces new military aid package for Ukraine

US announces new military aid package for Ukraine Photo: US President Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

On Friday, August 9, the US announced a new military aid package for Ukraine worth $125 million, according to the press service of the US Department of Defense.

"This Presidential Drawdown Authority (PDA) package, which has an estimated value of $125 million, will provide Ukraine additional capabilities to meet its most urgent needs, including air defense capabilities; multi-mission radars to detect and counter enemy artillery; and anti-tank weapons," the Pentagon said.

The new package includes:

  • Stinger missiles
  • Ammunition for HIMARS;
  • 155mm and 105mm artillery ammunition;
  • Multi-mission radars;
  • TOW anti-tank missiles;
  • Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems;
  • An unspecified number of HMMWV armored vehicles;
  • Small arms ammunition;
  • Demolitions equipment and munitions;
  • Equipment to protect critical infrastructure;
  • Spare parts and auxiliary equipment

US aid to Ukraine

The last time the United States provided military aid to Ukraine was on July 29.

At that time, the US provided Ukraine with weapons as part of two military aid packages, which included missiles for HIMARS multiple launch rocket systems.

Prior to that, the United States allocated a $225 million military aid package to Ukraine on July 11. It was crucial for Ukraine because it included one Patriot air defense system.

The package also included projectiles for NASAMS, HIMARS ammunition, and more.