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US announces new aid package for Ukraine, including HIMARS ammunition

US announces new aid package for Ukraine, including HIMARS ammunition Photo: John Kirby, White House National Security Communications Advisor (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The United States will provide Ukraine with approximately $200 million worth of weapons as part of a new military aid package. This will include missiles for the HIMARS multiple-launch rocket systems, according to the Voice of America and Pentagon press service.

According to White House National Security Council Communications Advisor John Kirby, the package includes air defense systems, missiles for HIMARS, mortar shells, and portable Javelin anti-tank systems.

The aid is being provided to Ukraine through the US presidential drawdown authority. This means the weapons are already in American stockpiles and do not need to be produced.

The Pentagon has specified that two military aid packages were announced for Ukraine. One package is worth $200 million, and the other is $1.5 billion.

The packages will include:

  • Ammunition for NASAMS
  • Short- and medium-range air defense ammunition
  • RIM-7 missiles for air defense
  • Electronic warfare equipment
  • Ammunition for HIMARS
  • 155mm and 105mm artillery shells
  • 120mm mortar rounds
  • Precision aerial munitions;
  • Tube-Launched, Optically-Tracked, Wire-Guided (TOW) missiles
  • Javelin and AT-4 anti-tank systems
  • Small arms
  • Explosives, equipment, and munitions for demolition
  • Secure communication systems
  • Commercial satellite imagery services
  • Spare parts, maintenance and support, and other ancillary equipment

US aid to Ukraine

US aid to Ukraine was only resumed in April. The pause in weapon deliveries lasted several months due to disagreements in Congress over funding.

The last military aid package from the US to Ukraine was issued on July 11, worth $225 million.

This package was crucial for Ukraine as it included one Patriot air defense system. Currently, such weaponry is a top priority in support of Ukrainian defenders.

The package also included NASAMS missiles, HIMARS ammunition, and more.