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Labour secures victory in British election, Zelenskyy's office shuts down Tucker Carlson's interview idea - Thursday brief

Labour secures victory in British election, Zelenskyy's office shuts down Tucker Carlson's interview idea - Thursday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Yesterday, scandalous American journalist Tucker Carlson claimed that he received permission for an interview with the President of Ukraine, the Presidential Office commented on this announcement. Meanwhile, the opposition Labour Party has won the most seats in the UK Parliament. This means that its 61-year-old leader, Keir Starmer, will become the new head of the British government, replacing Rishi Sunak.

Read more about what happened on Thursday, July 4.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

Tucker Carlson not listed in President Zelenskyy’s schedule - Presidential Office

Yesterday, July 4, Carlson claimed that he supposedly received permission for an interview with the President of Ukraine. According to him, attempts have been ongoing for two years and have been especially intense after a winter interview with dictator Vladimir Putin.

The press secretary of the President of Ukraine, Serhii Nikiforov stated that Carlson is not on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's schedule.

"Mr. Tucker Carlson should double-check his sources in the FSB. The President of Ukraine has a completely different schedule, and Tucker Carlson is not on it," wrote the President's spokesperson.

Zelenskyy сomments on Russia and Putin's participation in second peace summit

Russia may participate in the second peace summit. However, it is not certain that the Kremlin's head, Vladimir Putin, will be present, said the President of Ukraine, Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Bloomberg.

"If the next peace summit follows the plan we anticipate, the second summit assumes there will be a plan with all the points on how we see the end of the war, and the majority of the world will be on our side. If the plan is ready, we will organize the second peace summit, and representatives of the Russian Federation should be there. Who it will be, we will see," he said.

At the same time, the president said that he is not sure that Putin himself will represent Russia.

"It seems to me that he is afraid to leave Russia. Maybe by that time, there will be another person in the Kremlin, well, then there will be another," Zelenskyy added.=

Keir Starmer: New British Prime Minister and his stance on Ukraine

For the first time in 14 years, the opposition Labour Party has won most seats in the UK Parliament. This means that its 61-year-old leader, Keir Starmer, will become the new head of the British government, replacing Rishi Sunak.

RBC-Ukraine has gathered information about who Keir Starmer is and his position on Ukraine.

Netherlands does not exclude participation in coalition for training Ukrainian military personnel

The government of the Netherlands does not rule out participating in a coalition to train military personnel on Ukrainian territory, as proposed by French President Emmanuel Macron, De Volkskrant informs.

According to the news agency, the government of the Netherlands "generally does not exclude" the possibility of participating in the French initiative to organize military training in Ukraine.

At the same time, Dutch Minister of Defense Ruben Brekelmans noted that it is still too early to take a final position on this matter.

He mentioned that "it is always necessary to weigh the added value and risks."

Ukraine strikes Russian oil refineries in response to genocidal policies - Ukrainian President

Ukraine has initiated strikes on Russian oil refineries following the world's failure to halt Putin's genocidal policies against the Ukrainian people, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Bloomberg.

"We've had many different dialogues, and my position is very open. They hit us by targeting our electricity, and nobody managed to put Putin in his place to prevent this war, or 'special military operation' as he calls it, from turning into genocide against the Ukrainian people. Leaving people without water and electricity is a genocidal policy," the president said.

According to him, Ukraine is in a very clear situation today. "Our position is simple: if the world is hurt by us hitting Russia's energy sector, make sure Russia stops hitting our energy sector," Zelenskyy concluded.

Hezbollah launches over 200 rockets and 20 drones towards northern Israel

Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah launched over 200 rockets and 20 drones towards northern Israel on Thursday, July 4. This action was in response to an Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) strike in Lebanon the day before, which resulted in the death of one of Hezbollah's senior commanders, according to The Times of Israel.

As reported, sirens sounded in communities in northern Israel throughout the morning of Thursday, July 4th, as Hezbollah launched a major attack. It was one of the largest in the nine-month conflict.

Hezbollah fired 200 rockets and 20 drones towards the Golan Heights. One IDF soldier was killed in the attack, and two others were injured.

European Council President reacts to Orban's plans to visit Putin

Even though Hungary holds the presidency of the European Union, it has no mandate to interact with the Russian Federation on behalf of the Union, according to the President of the European Council Charles Michel.

"The EU rotating presidency has no mandate to engage with Russia on behalf of the EU," stated Michel.

He emphasized that the European Council has a clear position: Russia is the aggressor, and Ukraine is the victim. No discussions about Ukraine can take place without Ukraine.