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Tucker Carlson not listed in President Zelenskyy’s schedule - Presidential Office

Tucker Carlson not listed in President Zelenskyy’s schedule - Presidential Office The press secretary of the President of Ukraine, Serhii Nikiforov (Photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Scandalous American journalist Tucker Carlson is not on President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's schedule, according to the press secretary of the President of Ukraine, Serhii Nikiforov.

"Mr. Tucker Carlson should double-check his sources in the FSB. The President of Ukraine has a completely different schedule, and Tucker Carlson is not on it," wrote the President's spokesperson.


Today, July 4, Carlson claimed that he supposedly received permission for an interview with the President of Ukraine. According to him, attempts have been ongoing for two years and have been especially intense after a winter interview with dictator Vladimir Putin.

He added that his initiative is related to providing Americans with "the much-needed information about the conflict."

Putin's interview

On February 6, during a trip to the Russian Federation, Carlson announced his intention to interview the head of the Kremlin.

The conversation with the dictator was released on February 9. As expected, Putin justified the full-scale invasion of Ukraine. He shared "fantasies" about how Poland allegedly provoked Adolf Hitler by being "uncompromising."

Later, Carlson mocked the dictator's words about so-called "denazification."

More about who Tucker Carlson is in the material by RBC-Ukraine.