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Ukraine strikes Russian oil refineries in response to genocidal policies - Ukrainian President

Ukraine strikes Russian oil refineries in response to genocidal policies - Ukrainian President Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Photo: RBC-Ukraine, Vitalii Nosach)

Ukraine has initiated strikes on Russian oil refineries following the world's failure to halt Putin's genocidal policies against the Ukrainian people, according to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with Bloomberg.

"We've had many different dialogues, and my position is very open. They hit us by targeting our electricity, and nobody managed to put Putin in his place to prevent this war, or 'special military operation' as he calls it, from turning into genocide against the Ukrainian people. Leaving people without water and electricity is a genocidal policy," the president said.

Zelenskyy noted that nobody stopped Putin with words. "So, we started targeting his energy infrastructure so he could understand what he is doing. Not that he necessarily will understand, but we began to act. And then everyone started telling us we should stop our retaliatory measures because it escalated. How can it escalate more than a war?" he added.

According to him, Ukraine is in a very clear situation today. "Our position is simple: if the world is hurt by us hitting Russia's energy sector, make sure Russia stops hitting our energy sector," Zelenskyy concluded.

Strikes on oil refineries

Since the beginning of 2024, Ukraine has been attacking Russian energy infrastructure with drones to undermine Russia's economy and its ability to fund its military machine.

Earlier, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy reported that drones have already hit more than 30 oil refineries, terminals, and storage facilities in Russia.