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Russia strikes Poltava region, kills Ukrainian gas company employee

Russia strikes Poltava region, kills Ukrainian gas company employee Illustrative image (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Yesterday, July 3, the Russians shelled the Poltava district and killed an employee of the Ukrhazvydobuvannia gas company, according to the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Energy notes that the object of the Ukrhazvydobuvannia gas company was also damaged as a result of the Russian strike.

Russia killed a 49-year-old Ukrainian electrician. Three other workers were injured. They are currently receiving medical care.

"Works on localization and liquidation of the consequences of the emergency are ongoing, all relevant services are working," the Ministry of Energy writes.

Russian shelling of Poltava region on July 3

Yesterday, July 3, in the afternoon, the Air Force of the Armed Forces of Ukraine warned of a fast-moving target moving in the direction of the Poltava region. Later, explosions rang out in the Poltava community, and the head of the regional military administration (OVA) Philip Pronin announced the "arrival".

After some time, it became known that one was killed and three wounded. In particular, a school and a kindergarten were damaged during the Russian shelling.