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Assassination attempt on Trump and Russian attack on railway near Kharkiv - Weekend brief

Assassination attempt on Trump and Russian attack on railway near Kharkiv - Weekend brief RBC-Ukraine collage

There was an assassination attempt on US presidential candidate Donald during a rally in Pennsylvania. Meanwhile, Russian troops struck a railroad in the Kharkiv region of Ukraine.

Read more about what happened over the weekend.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

News for July 13

News for July 14

Attempted assassination of Trump

US presidential candidate Donald Trump was shot in the right ear during a rally in Pennsylvania.

The FBI confirmed that 20-year-old Thomas Matthew Crooks shot Trump. The Washington Post says Crooks is a Republican, according to Pennsylvania voter lists.

Read more about the assassination attempt, the suspect, and the reaction of the current president and Trump's main opponent in this year's election, Joe Biden, in RBC-Ukraine's coverage.

Russia strikes at railway facilities near Kharkiv

Russian militants attacked railway facilities and rolling stock in Budy village, Kharkiv region,

Kharkiv governor Syniehubov said that two people were killed in the attack. Among them is Artem Kostyria, head of the Kharkiv district department of the State Emergency Service in the Kharkiv region. Five railroad workers were wounded.

NATO's policy is unchanged - Stoltenberg denies Poland targeting missiles over Ukraine

Answering the question about Poland being able to shoot down Russian missiles over the territory of Ukraine, the Secretary General said that this would not happen.

"NATO's policy is unchanged - we will not participate in this conflict, we will not become part of it," he emphasized.

Russians shelled Bilopillia with Grads for half hour: 18 hits, injuries reported

The head of the Bilopillia community said that Russians shelled the center of Bilopillia at least 18 times with Grad missiles. Private houses and multi-story buildings were damaged. A school and a bakery were also damaged. Three people were wounded in the attack.