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Russians shelled Bilopillia with Grads for half hour: 18 hits, injuries reported

Russians shelled Bilopillia with Grads for half hour: 18 hits, injuries reported Russians shelled Bilopillia (photo:

Today, Russian troops once again attacked Bilopillia in the Sumy region, according to the Sumy regional prosecutor's office.

According to the investigation, on July 14, 2024, from 17:00 for 30 minutes, using methods of warfare prohibited by international law, the enemy, according to preliminary data, fired at residential areas of Bilopillia with a Grad multiple rocket launcher system.

Yurii Zarko, head of the Bilopillia community, said that Russians shelled the center of Bilopillia at least 18 times today with Grad missiles. Private houses and multi-story buildings were damaged. A school and a bakery were also damaged.

In addition, three people were wounded in the attack.

Russians shelled Bilopillia (photo:

Earlier today, Russian troops attacked Myrnohrad in the Donetsk region.