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US preparing new arms package for Ukraine, while Russian army slowly advancing in Donbas - Tuesday brief

US preparing new arms package for Ukraine, while Russian army slowly advancing in Donbas - Tuesday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

The United States is preparing its largest arms package for Ukraine amounting to $1 billion. At the same time, British intelligence reports that the Russian army is continuing to seize settlements in the east of Ukraine.

RBC-Ukraine collected the main news for April 23.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest news

US is preparing a $1 billion arms package for Ukraine

The United States is preparing a $1 billion military assistance package for Ukraine.

It is expected that it will include vehicles, Stinger MANPADS ammunition, additional ammunition for HIMARS, 155mm artillery ammunition, TOW and Javelin anti-tank missiles, and other weaponry that can be immediately deployed on the battlefield.

21st Ramstein meeting is set for this week

Gen. Patrick Ryder, Pentagon spokesman, announced that the meeting of representatives of the defense agencies of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine in the Ramstein format will take place on April 26 via video conference.

Apple announced presentation

American company Apple has announced a presentation of new products. Media representatives are invited to attend the event on May 7. RBC-Ukraine informed what new products may be showcased.

NATO does not plan to deploy nuclear weapons in other countries

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg stated that NATO has no plans to expand the number of Alliance members with nuclear weapons.