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Ukraine's Parliament promises concrete results from domestic missile use soon

Ukraine's Parliament promises concrete results from domestic missile use soon Photo: Yehor Chernev (
Author: Daryna Vialko

Some Ukrainian-made missiles have already undergone testing. However, there are problems with the components needed for them, stated MP Yehor Chernev, Chairman of the Permanent Delegation of Ukraine at the NATO Parliamentary Assembly.

According to him, soon everyone will see the results of the use of Ukrainian ballistic missiles.

"When it comes to Vilkha, there are certain problems regarding the production of these missiles. I won’t go into details right now, but there are components that, unfortunately, we cannot quickly obtain at this time," Chernev explained.

He also mentioned that work is underway regarding the use of operational-tactical missile systems, such as Hrim.

"And the President has already stated that our ballistic missiles have passed testing. Believe me, there will soon be concrete results that not only Ukraine but also the Russian Federation will see," he emphasized.

Missile production in Ukraine

At the end of August, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the first successful use of the Ukrainian drone missile Palianytsya. Later he demonstrated its use.

According to Minister of Digital Transformation Mykhailo Fedorov, the cost of one "Palyanytsya" drone missile is less than $1 million.

For more information on Ukrainian weapons, see the material by RBC-Ukraine.

The Ministry of Strategic Industries also reported that Ukraine can produce over 3 million drones of various types annually.