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Zelenskyy unveils Ukrainian Palianytsia drone missile for the first time

Zelenskyy unveils Ukrainian Palianytsia drone missile for the first time President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The Ukrainian drone missile Palianytsia was developed in a year and a half. It is launched from a ground-based installation, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

The head of state showed the newest Ukrainian long-range missile Palianytsia for the first time. Ukraine does not declassify the main characteristics of the missile, such as its range, warhead, and the number of units produced.

Two dozen Russian military airbases are within the range of the Ukrainian missile. The development of the missile was completed quickly - within a year and a half. The Palianytsia is launched from a ground platform and has a turbojet engine.

“The cost of the drone missile is much lower than its analogs. And the work on reducing its cost and increasing production continues,” the president added.

The task of the Ukrainian missile is to protect civilians by destroying the enemy's offensive potential on its territory.

Zelenskyy emphasized that over the two and a half years of full-scale war, Russia had fired about 10,000 missiles of various types and more than 33,000 guided bombs at Ukraine.

Ukraine created Palianytsia missile

On Independence Day of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the first successful use of the Ukrainian drone missile Palianytsia.

He said that the development of domestic missiles was Ukraine's way of acting while some partners were stalling. The president also announced other "robust decisions" on weapons, adding that there would be other long-range missiles.

On the night of August 24, Defense Intelligence of Ukraine launched a fire attack on a large warehouse in the Voronezh region of Russia. More than five thousand tons of ammunition were stored there, including shells for tanks and artillery, small arms ammunition, and missiles.