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Zelenskyy: Palianytsia missile is our way of acting while some partners stall

Zelenskyy: Palianytsia missile is our way of acting while some partners stall President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

The new domestic Palianytsia missile is Ukraine's way of acting while some partners are slow to act. Ukraine is preparing new "robust solutions", says President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a press conference with the Lithuanian PM and Poland's leader.

“Our new weapons solutions, including the Palianytsia missile, are our way of acting while some of our partners are slowing down with their decisions. Our decisions and the decisions of our partners should work together and only in such a way that we achieve our common victory together,” the head of state said.

Zelenskyy emphasizes that Ukraine uses all the capabilities of its defense industry. He announced new decisions and called on allies to lift restrictions on weapons use.

“Today I said that the first use of our long-range weapons took place. We are preparing some more robust solutions. We need no less determination from our partners. Those of our friends who can urge our allies to lift restrictions on using long-range weapons can bring our common victory closer,” the president said.

Capabilities of Ukrainian missile

The president says that Ukraine's missile program includes a cluster called Palianytsia.

“The cluster currently includes three products. The test of the first element was positive. This drone missile is much faster than our long-range drones and more powerful. These are all the details on which I am ready for an open conversation,” Zelenskyy said.

He adds that Ukraine already has products that can fly for 1,500 kilometers, “and now there are missile drones, and there will be other missiles - very powerful and very long-range.”

Ukraine has created Palianytsia missile

Today, on August 24, Independence Day of Ukraine, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine had created a new class of weapon, a drone missile called the Palianytsia. According to him, the first combat use of the domestic missile took place today.

On the night of August 24, Ukrainian intelligence struck a large Russian depot in the Voronezh region. More than five thousand tons of ammunition were stored there, including shells for tanks and artillery, small arms ammunition, and rockets.

A large-scale fire with detonation started in the Voronezh region after the attack. A state of emergency was declared there.