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UK provides new military aid to Ukraine, far-right party fails at French elections - Weekend brief

UK provides new military aid to Ukraine, far-right party fails at French elections - Weekend brief RBC-Ukraine collage

The UK announced a new aid package for Ukraine, while the far-right lost the elections in France.

Read more about what happened over the weekend.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

News for July 6

News for July 7

Britain announces new aid package for Ukraine

During his visit to Odesa, the new British Defense Secretary John Healey announced a new package of military aid to Ukraine. It will include Brimstone precision missiles, ammunition, and artillery pieces.

Far-right has lost. Results of parliamentary elections in France

In France, the second round of elections to the National Assembly (lower house of parliament) has ended. The party of pro-Russian Marine Le Pen was defeated.

According to the Ifop exit poll, the far-left New Popular Front is unexpectedly expected to win the election, with 180 to 215 seats. Emmanuel Macron's presidential coalition comes in second with 150-180 seats. Le Pen's National Rally party is in third place and can only count on 120-150 seats.

Ukrainian Foreign Minister outlines expectations from NATO summit

Ukraine expects that the decision of the 75th anniversary NATO summit to be held this week in Washington will include two things, according to Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba.

"Our expectations from the summit are that the set of decisions that will be made there will mean two things: a significant strengthening of our defense capabilities, especially in the field of air defense, and a significant step towards NATO membership," the Ukrainian Foreign Minister said.

F-16s will be in Ukraine in short term - Dutch Defense Ministry

"We have discussed all the technical conditions necessary for these F-16s to be able to fly here, and important steps are being taken in this direction," said Minister of Defense of the Netherlands Ruben Brekelmans.

However, he said that he did not want to name a specific date for the delivery of the fighter jets.

"Ukraine does not want this either. We do not want to make Putin wiser than he already is," Brekelmans said.

However, the minister emphasized that "in the short term" the planes will be delivered.

After announcing 'unexpected meetings,' Orbán's plane departs for China

After meetings in Kyiv, Moscow, and Azerbaijan, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán's plane took off for China. He is expected to arrive on Monday, July 8.

According to media, a Dassault Falcom 7X military-government plane was en route from Budapest to Beijing, as evidenced by radar tracking sites. Presumably, it is carrying Viktor Orbán.