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Attack on Russian airfields and strikes on Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv - Friday brief

Attack on Russian airfields and strikes on Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv - Friday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

On the night of April 5, the Main Intelligence Directorate and the Armed Forces organized an operation that struck three Russian airfields. Another was attacked by the Security Service of Ukraine. Meanwhile, the occupiers shelled Zaporizhzhia and Kharkiv several times during the day.

Read more about what happened on Friday, April 5, below.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest news

Main Intelligence Directorate, together with Armed Forces of Ukraine organized attack on three Russian airfields, Tu-95MS damaged

The Main Intelligence Directorate, together with the Armed Forces of Ukraine, organized an operation on the night of April 5, during which strikes were delivered on three Russian airfields. Specifically, Tu-95MS bombers were damaged.

According to sources in the Main Intelligence Directorate, at least three strategic Tu-95MS bombers at the Engels-2 airfield suffered serious damage from drone attacks. Additionally, seven occupiers were killed, including possibly pilots of the bombers.

Another target of the attack was a military airfield in Yeysk city. Ukrainian drone strikes destroyed at least four occupants there, and two enemy Su-25 aircraft were incinerated entirely.

The sources also reported strikes on another airfield in Kursk. The details of this attack's results are not yet available.

"The night of April 5 became one of the darkest for Russian strategic aviation and aviation in general. The consequences of this attack will be felt by the occupiers in the long term. But this is not the last operation of this kind; as they say, 'we have not yet started,'" said a source from the Main Intelligence Directorate.

Security Service of Ukraine attacks Morozovsk airfield in Russia, at least 6 aircraft destroyed

The Security Service of Ukraine, together with the Ukrainian Defense Forces, attacked the Morozovsk airfield in Russia. At least 6 enemy aircraft were destroyed and another 8 seriously damaged, according to RBC-Ukraine's sources.

As the sources note, the Su-27 and Su-34 front-line bombers were based at the airfield. These are the planes Russia uses to drop anti-aircraft missiles on the positions of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukrainian front-line cities.

"The results of the joint special operation are impressive - at least 6 military aircraft of the Russian Federation were destroyed, and another 8 were significantly damaged," the source says.

In addition to equipment, the personnel of the Russian army also suffered losses. About 20 occupiers were killed or wounded.

Russians strike at Zaporizhzhia

Yesterday, on April 5, around 15:10, residents of Zaporizhzhia heard explosions. It happened during a ballistic threat in the Zaporizhzhia region.

A few hours later, two explosions occurred again in Zaporizhzhia.

According to the latest reports, the shelling killed four people and injured more than 20 others.

After that, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine, Ihor Klymenko, said that the Russian occupiers are using the tactics of double strikes on Ukrainian cities in order to hit more people.

Occupants carried out several waves of attacks on Kharkiv

During an air raid alert yesterday afternoon, April 5, explosions were heard in Kharkiv. Russian KABs attacked the city and the region. About an hour after this attack, the occupiers struck again at Kharkiv - a repeated series of explosions were heard in the city.

Later, the attack on the city was reported for the third time.

The head of the Kharkiv Regional Military Administration, Oleh Syniehubov, noted that Russian troops deliberately launched double strikes on Kharkiv. The second wave is designed to hit law enforcement and rescue workers.

US and Germany oppose start of Ukraine's NATO talks

Ukraine's aspirations for an official invitation to join NATO face hurdles as Washington and Berlin stand against initiating negotiations during the Alliance summit planned for July.

According to the article, NATO is reluctant to admit a new member who could, through the Alliance's collective security agreement, drag the Alliance into the most significant land war in Europe since 1945.

This has led NATO to seek a middle ground, such as a form of membership significant enough to show long-term support for Ukraine, as NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg expressed this week.

High-ranking Western diplomats in discussions find it unclear what this middle ground might entail. Proposals put forward this week at the meeting of foreign ministers in Brussels regarding NATO assuming greater control over coordinating military assistance, funding, and training for Ukrainian forces were met with skepticism.

"The United States and Germany remain opposed to offering Ukraine a start to membership negotiations in Washington as they did at last year's summit in Vilnius, and they want that issue off the table in July, despite a similar process at the European Union that was approved last winter," the NYT says.

South Korea to assist Ukraine in rehabilitation of military personnel

South Korea will provide Ukraine with financial assistance to be spent on the rehabilitation of the Defense Forces soldiers.

South Korean Minister of Foreign Affairs Cho Tae-yul has announced that the country will continue to assist Ukraine and allocate a $2.3 billion aid package starting this year.

Additionally, Seoul will provide $12 million for military rehabilitation through NATO's Trust Fund for Ukraine. The NATO military medical rehabilitation center offers surgical intervention, psychological treatment, research, education, and training for wounded Ukrainian soldiers.

The South Korean Ministry of Foreign Affairs specified that NATO plans to assist in establishing such centers in five cities in Ukraine, including Irpin near Kyiv.