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Why Ukraine will not endorse Harris or Trump in 2024 US election - Experts' opinion

Why Ukraine will not endorse Harris or Trump in 2024 US election - Experts' opinion US Vice President Kamala Harris (Getty Images)

In the US presidential election set to take place in the fall of 2024, Ukraine will not support either Kamala Harris or Donald Trump. The primary goal for our country is to maintain bipartisan support, according to the RBС-Ukraine article titled "Why Biden dropped out of election and who is better for Ukraine – Harris or Trump."

Vladyslav Faraponov, head of the Institute of American Studies and an analyst at Internews-Ukraine, stated when it comes to which US presidential candidate is better for our country, the question cannot be posed so categorically. Ukraine needs to maintain and increase American support.

"Who will ensure this and on what terms is hard to say. The president alone does not allocate aid; the White House administers the aid prepared by Congress. Therefore, when it comes to Ukraine, almost everything will depend on the composition of the Senate and the House of Representatives," he said.

Political scientist Volodymyr Fesenko noted that the Ukrainian side would not support either Harris or Trump in the US election. The main thing is for America to maintain stability, strength, and leadership and for Ukraine to maintain bipartisan support.

"Each candidate has their own advantages and disadvantages. The choice will be made by the American people, and we will work with any winner," he emphasized.

According to the expert, a challenge could be the divisions within the Republican Party, including supporters of aid to Ukraine, who criticize Biden and the Democrats for their caution, and opponents of any assistance. The nomination of J.D. Vance as the US Vice President only highlighted these risks.

"That’s why Zelenskyy arranged a phone call with Trump. This is the start of a direct dialogue, which does not mean we will support Trump. What we need is to communicate our interests to him, including on the topic of peace talks with Russia," Fesenko noted.

In his opinion, it is simpler with the Democrats. Harris "will maintain Biden's line on Ukraine" with all its positives and negatives. Here, everything is stable and predictable, unlike with Trump.

US election

Recall that US President Joe Biden announced that he would not run for a second presidential term yesterday. He proposed Vice President Kamala Harris as the presidential candidate in his address. All 50 Democratic Party leaders supported her candidacy.

Following this, some Republicans called for Biden to resign from the presidency. However, in a comment to CNN, White House representative Andrew Bates stated that Biden will not leave the presidency until the end of his term.

What is known about US presidential candidate Kamala Harris is covered in the RBC-Ukraine article.