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US upgrades EW systems for Ukrainian F-16s, Zelenskyy holds major Press Conference - Tuesday brief

US upgrades EW systems for Ukrainian F-16s, Zelenskyy holds major Press Conference - Tuesday brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

The United States has delivered a special upgrade of electronic warfare systems for Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets. Meanwhile, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy gave a big press conference.

Read more about what happened on Tuesday, August 27.

Russia's war against Ukraine: Latest

Kursk breakthrough, peace plan, and Ukrainian weapons: Key points from Zelenskyy's press conference

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy held a major press conference as part of the Ukraine 2024. Independence forum. He outlined the objectives of the operations in the Kursk region, made announcements regarding weaponry, and discussed plans to compel Russia to end the war.

Maximum 140 missiles: Expert explains tactics of Russia's double strike and names risks

Over the past two days, Russia has been launching combined strikes against Ukraine, using various types of missiles and Shahed drones.

According to the head of the Center for Military Legal Studies, Oleksandr Musiienko, the enemy is trying to disorganize and disorient Ukrainian air defense and cause maximum damage to the objects of interest. He reminded that the last massive attack took place on July 8. This means that the Russians had a month and a half to accumulate missiles.

So, with pauses of a month and a half to two months, their maximum capacity seems to be 120 to 140 missiles," Musiienko says.

US delivers advanced EW systems for Ukrainian F-16s, not yet available to NATO allies

The United States has delivered a special upgrade of electronic warfare systems for Ukrainian F-16 fighter jets, according to the press service of the US Air Force squadron that enhanced the Ukrainian F-16s.

The squadron explained that they recently collaborated with their Danish and Norwegian counterparts to support the delivery of F-16s to Ukraine. They noted that the electronic warfare systems of the F-16s being delivered to Ukraine required reprogramming to be effective against new Russian threats.

The squadron also mentioned that the US Air Force will continue receiving information from Ukraine regarding using the new electronic warfare systems in real combat. This will enable updates to the systems, benefiting Ukraine, the US, and other NATO members.

Russia's largest refinery loses half of its capacity after explosion - Reuters

The explosion that occurred on August 26 at the Omsk Refinery disabled nearly half of the oil processing capacity of the facility, according to Reuters.

According to agency sources, the explosion at Gazpromneft-Omsk refinery in Omsk, the largest in Russia, knocked out the primary oil processing unit AVT-11.

Another primary unit, CDU-10, was idle due to a fire earlier in August. CDU-10 and CDU-11 each have a production capacity of about 8.6 million tons per year.

The cause of the fire is still unclear, the agency notes. Several Russian refineries have been attacked by Ukrainian drones.

Kursk operation and Pokrovsk direction: Analysis by US General Ben Hodges

Retired American general and former commander of US Army Europe, Ben Hodges, explained the objectives of the Ukrainian Armed Forces' operation in the Kursk region, Russia's reaction to it, and the situation in the Pokrovsk direction.

Indian PM discusses strengthening strategic partnership with Putin after visit to Ukraine

Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has had a conversation with Russian President Vladimir Putin, according to Modi's X account.

According to Modi, he discussed his visit to Kyiv and Russia's war against Ukraine with Putin, which the Indian Prime Minister calls the Russian-Ukrainian conflict.

"Spoke with President Putin today... Exchanged perspectives on the Russia-Ukraine conflict and my insights from the recent visit to Ukraine. Reiterated India’s firm commitment to support an early, abiding and peaceful resolution of the conflict," Modi wrote.

In addition, Modi said that during the conversation, the parties "discussed measures to further strengthen Special and Privileged Strategic Partnership".