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Ukrainian Armed Forces refresh and Trump's scandalous statement - Weekend brief

Ukrainian Armed Forces refresh and Trump's scandalous statement - Weekend brief Collage by RBC-Ukraine

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy made changes to the command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, and former US President Donald Trump got into a scandal again with a provocative statement about NATO countries.

More details on what happened over the weekend can be found in the material by RBC-Ukraine.

Russia's war against Ukraine

News for February 10:

News for February 11:

Reshuffle in the Armed Forces of Ukraine

This week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy dismissed Valerii Zaluzhnyi from the post of Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. Oleksandr Syrskyi was appointed in his place, having previously been the commander of the Land Forces.

Zelenskyy also changed the command of the General Staff of the Armed Forces. Anatoliy Barhylevych was appointed as the new chief, and Serhii Shaptala held this position before him.

On Sunday, January 11, it became known that Lieutenant General Oleksandr Pavliuk was appointed commander of the Land Forces. Before that, he was the First Deputy Minister of Defense and was dismissed the day before.

In addition, the head of state replaced the commanders of the Joint Forces and the Air Assault Forces.

The President dismissed Serhii Naiev from the post of Commander of the Joint Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine. He was replaced by Yurii Sodol.

Ihor Skybiuk replaced Maksym Myrhorodskyi as Commander of the Airborne Assault Forces of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

A new commander of the Territorial Defense Forces was also appointed. Ihor Plakhuta was appointed to the post.

Trump's scandalous statement

Speaking at a rally in South Carolina, Trump, who is running for the US presidency, said that once "one of the presidents of a great country" asked him if the US would continue to defend them from a Russian invasion if they did not contribute to NATO.

Trump replied that he would rather encourage the Russians to do whatever they wanted.

This statement outraged the White House and NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

After that, the Polish authorities also reacted to the former US leader's statement that, as president, he would not defend NATO allies from a possible attack for free.

The head of the European Council, Charles Michel, also commented. He said that such statements by the former president serve the interests of Russian dictator Vladimir Putin.

President of Hungary resigns after scandal

Hungarian President Katalin Novák announces her resignation from the post.

Novák announced her resignation after causing a huge public outcry with her decision to pardon a convicted pedophile.

"I apologize to those whom I offended and to all the victims who may have felt that I did not stand up for them. Today is the last time I address you as head of state, I am resigning as president," she said in her video message.

The Hungarian parliament will elect the new president. They will have 30 days to do so from when the president's powers are terminated.

In Poland, protesters dumped grain from Ukrainian trucks on road

Polish farmers protesting near the Dorohusk checkpoint on the border with Ukraine spilled grain from three Ukrainian trucks on the road. Polish police have launched an investigation.

The incident occurred at around 11:30 a.m. Polish time on the highway leading to the Dorohusk checkpoint. According to Eva Chyzh, a representative of the municipal police commandant's office, three trucks driven by Ukrainians entered Poland after the border control, but Polish protesters did not let them go further.

Polish law enforcement officers are currently investigating the incident's details and seizing evidence. The materials will be sent to the prosecutor's office for legal and criminal examination.

Massive drone strike on southern Ukraine: Air defense eliminated 26 UAVs

Last night on February 11, on the southern front of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Armed Forces' air defense systems successfully shot down 26 enemy attack drones of the Shahed type. These drones were launched by Russian occupiers for aerial attacks. The air defense operations were conducted in multiple regions, according to the Telegram channel of the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine.

"At night, in the operational zone of the Defense Forces of the South of Ukraine, the enemy conducted another massive drone attack. Intensive work of air defense units lasted for over 5.5 hours," stated the military.