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Ukrainian Armed Forces advance additional 1-3 kilometers in Kursk region - Army chief

Ukrainian Armed Forces advance additional 1-3 kilometers in Kursk region - Army chief Photo: Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces Oleksandr Syrskyi (

The Armed Forces of Ukraine advanced an additional distance of 1 to 3 kilometers in the Kursk region today, according to a statement from the Commander-in-Chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, Oleksandr Syrskyi.

According to him, the troops of the offensive grouping continue to engage in combat.

"We have advanced on some fronts by 1 to 3 kilometers towards the enemy. Fighting continues along the entire front line, but overall the situation is under control," Syrskyi said.

He also reported to President Volodymyr Zelenskyy that Major General Eduard Moskalev had begun fulfilling his duties as the commander of the Kursk region.

"We continue to replenish our forces; currently, there are battles ongoing in the area of Malaya Loknia. I hope that many prisoners will be taken there," Syrskyi said.

Ukrainian offensive in the Kursk region

Since Tuesday, August 6, the Ukrainian Armed Forces have launched a special operation in the Kursk region of Russia. During this time, Ukraine has taken control of 82 settlements in the Kursk region, covering an area of 1,150 square kilometers.

A military commandant's office has also been established there, led by Major General Eduard Moskalyov.

Earlier reports indicated that the Ukrainian Armed Forces had completely cleared the city of Sudzha of Russian troops. Today, the Russians claimed that Ukrainian forces had allegedly destroyed a bridge over the Seym River near the village of Glushkovo in the Kursk region, which is a crucial logistical artery in the area.

For more details on the objectives of Ukraine's offensive in the Kursk region and the reasons behind the establishment of the commandant's office, read the RBC-Ukraine article.