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Ukraine's Foreign Ministry reacts to Orbán's visit to Russia

Ukraine's Foreign Ministry reacts to Orbán's visit to Russia Фото: Віктор Орбан, прем'єр-міністр Угорщини (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

On July 5, Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán arrived in Russia for a visit. The principle of "no agreements on Ukraine without Ukraine" remains inviolable for Kyiv, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs noted that the decision to visit Orbán in Moscow was made by Hungary without any coordination or agreement with Ukraine. Kyiv calls on all countries to adhere to the principle of "no agreements on Ukraine without Ukraine."

The Ministry noted that the only realistic way to restore a just peace is through the Peace Formula. In particular, the participation of more than a hundred states and international organizations at the Peace Summit proves this.

"Ukraine remains constructively inclined to further work on the development of bilateral cooperation and European integration following the Hungarian Prime Minister’s visit to Kyiv," added the Ministry.

Obran's visit to Russia

Today, July 5, the Hungarian Prime Minister arrived in Moscow for a visit. The Prime Minister's spokesman, Bertalan Hawashi, said that Orbán also plans to meet with Vladimir Putin.

Orbán recently visited Kyiv, where he met with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy. During this visit, they discussed a global cooperation agreement between the two countries and other issues. In particular, the Prime Minister proposed to Zelenskyy a ceasefire before starting peace talks with Russia.

Commenting on Orbán's visit, European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen said that appeasement would not stop Putin.