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Ukraine and Ireland begin discussions on security guarantee agreement

Ukraine and Ireland begin discussions on security guarantee agreement Photo: Ukraine and Ireland begin discussions on security guarantee agreement (

Ukraine and Ireland hold first negotiations in preparation for a bilateral security guarantee agreement, according to the Office of the President of Ukraine.

The Deputy Head of the President’s Office Ihor Zhovkva conducted the first round of negotiations.

"We appreciate Ireland's multifaceted support for Ukraine and our cooperation on Ukraine's path to EU membership. Ireland demonstrates solidarity in our common struggle for the protection of shared values, a just peace and a secure Europe," Zhovkva noted.

According to the office, the negotiations focused on the content of the bilateral agreement. The parties also exchanged views on specific provisions and agreed on the next steps.

What preceded

On May 9, it was announced that Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy and Irish Prime Minister Simon Harris discussed signing a bilateral security guarantee agreement.

On June 21, Zhovkva noted that negotiations on signing the agreement with Ireland were expected to begin soon.

It is worth noting that Ireland is a neutral country and therefore does not provide lethal assistance to Ukraine.