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Israeli-linked tanker seized off coast of Yemen

Israeli-linked tanker seized off coast of Yemen Illustrative photo (Getty Images)

Attackers seized an Israeli-linked tanker off the coast of Aden, Yemen. However, none of the groups claimed responsibility for the attack, reports Associated Press.

The attackers seized the Liberian-flagged Central Park, a vessel operated by Zodiac Maritime, in the Gulf of Aden, according to representatives of the company and private intelligence firm Ambrey.

A U.S. defense official, speaking on condition of anonymity to discuss intelligence matters, also confirmed to The Associated Press that the attack had taken place.

Zodiac called the seizure “a suspected piracy incident."

"Our priority is the safety of our 22 crew onboard. The Turkish-captained vessel has a multinational crew consisting of a crew of Russian, Vietnamese, Bulgarian, Indian, Georgian, and Filipino nationals. The vessel is carrying a full cargo of phosphoric acid," Zodiac said in a statement.

Seizure of the Galaxy Leader

On Sunday, November 19, Yemeni Houthis seized the cargo ship Galaxy Leader with an international civilian crew in the Red Sea. The ship was flying the flag of the Bahamas.

There were 25 crew members on board from Ukraine, Bulgaria, the Philippines, and Mexico, but no Israelis on board.

Reaction of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine

Ukrainian embassies involved have been instructed to investigate the authenticity of the Ukrainians' presence on the seized vessel, Foreign Ministry representative Oleh Nikolenko stated on Facebook.

"The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine has already instructed the Ukrainian embassies involved to verify this information, as well as to contact the owner company to find out the exact composition of the crew and other details. We are keeping this situation under special control," he wrote.

War in Israel

On October 7, HAMAS terrorists attacked Israel, killing and abducting civilians and soldiers. In response, Israel launched Operation Iron Swords against the terrorists.

On October 27, the Israel Defense Forces launched an offensive against the Gaza Strip. It became known that HAMAS had lost control of the territory. The militants fled to the south.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said that the IDF does not plan to keep the military in the Gaza Strip after the war ends.

In addition, the IDF discovered a HAMAS tunnel in the largest hospital in the Gaza Strip, Al-Shifa. The IDF also struck HAMAS underground facilities where the senior militant commanders were hiding.