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Ramstein meeting postponed, new date to be determined - Media

Ramstein meeting postponed, new date to be determined - Media Illustrative image (Getty Images)

The Ramstein group meeting, which was supposed to occur on October 12, has been postponed. A new date is being determined, Radio Liberty reported.

Sources from Radio Liberty at NATO headquarters confirm the postponement.

An informed interlocutor of RBC-Ukraine confirmed this information.

Ramstein meeting postponed

It should be noted that the meeting was initially scheduled for October 12 and was supposed to be chaired by the President of the United States, Joe Biden. However, Biden postponed his visit due to the powerful Hurricane Milton approaching the US. It also became known that US Secretary of State Antony Blinken will not attend the meeting either.

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz expressed his concern regarding President Biden's decision to postpone his visit to Germany. He emphasized that the meeting with the American leader "would have been of great significance," and preparations for it were underway "on all fronts."

Meanwhile, the Pentagon reported that the meeting scheduled for October 12 at Ramstein Air Base may be postponed. There is a possibility it will be combined with the NATO defense ministers' meeting, which will take place on October 17-18.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, in turn, mentioned the thorough preparation for the Ramstein meeting, where he is expected to present a victory plan.

More details about Hurricane Milton approaching the US - in the RBC-Ukraine article.