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Ramstein format meeting may be postponed - Pentagon

Ramstein format meeting may be postponed - Pentagon Sabrina Singh, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary in the Department of Defense (photo: Getty Images)

The meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group, scheduled to take place on October 12 at the German airbase in Ramstein, may be postponed, states Sabrina Singh, Deputy Pentagon Press Secretary in the Department of Defense.

She reminded that President Joe Biden postponed his trip to the meeting in the Ramstein format due to Hurricane Milton.

Singh also did not rule out that, given the circumstances, the Ramstein meeting could be rescheduled and possibly combined with the NATO Defense Ministers meeting on October 17-18. A final decision has not yet been made.

"I mean, as I mentioned, we're just figuring this out right now. So, you know, when there's more updates to provide, I certainly will. But the president just pulled down his trip this morning. So, again, we're working through those details. When we have more, we'll provide it," the Pentagon spokesperson said.

Meeting in the Ramstein format

The 25th meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group was scheduled for October 12 at the Ramstein Air Base in Germany, to be led by President Joe Biden.

During the meeting, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy was set to present his plan for victory in the war against Russia to the participants.

However, on Tuesday, October 8, Biden postponed his visit to the group meeting due to the approaching Hurricane Milton in the US.

It is currently unclear when the heads of state will visit Germany.