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Finnish presidential elections winner expressed support for Ukraine

Finnish presidential elections winner expressed support for Ukraine Alexander Stubb (photo:

Alexander Stubb, who won the presidential elections in Finland, has confirmed his support for Ukraine, which is repelling Russia's large-scale military aggression. He stated that aid to Kyiv from his country will continue, according to Yle.

After the announcement of the results of the second round of presidential elections in Finland, where former Prime Minister of the country Stubb from the Coalition Party defeated (51.6% to 48.4%) his main opponent, former Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto, the winner responded to media inquiries about his position, particularly regarding assistance to Ukraine.

According to Stubb, the decisive support for Ukraine from Finland will continue.

He also commented on Helsinki's role in the North Atlantic Alliance and noted that security is an existential issue for Finland, calling NATO the strongest defense alliance in the world.

Stubb argued that the country's membership in the alliance is an advantage for NATO.

However, when asked by journalists whether he could become a voice of the North Atlantic Alliance in favor of Russia, Stubb said he did not believe he could do that.

Presidential elections in Finland

The first round of elections in Finland ended on January 28. More information about the current candidates can be found in the article by RBC-Ukraine. The results of the second round became known on February 11, in which former Prime Minister of the country Alexander Stubb won, surpassing former Foreign Minister Pekka Haavisto.

In the summer of 2023, a new government was formed in Finland. As a result of the government reshuffle, a new prime minister and seven other ministers were elected.

Now Alexander Stubb, who was Prime Minister of Finland from 2014-2015, Minister of Finance from 2015-2016, and headed the Ministry of Europe and Foreign Trade before becoming prime minister, will officially become the 13th president of Finland after his inauguration on March 1.

Aid to Ukraine from Finland

Finland has been actively providing Ukraine with defense and humanitarian assistance since the beginning of the full-scale military aggression by Russia. Earlier, the country's government submitted its proposal to the parliament to amend the budget project for the year 2024. It includes an increase in aid to Ukraine.

Recently, the Minister for Foreign Trade and Development of Finland, Ville Tavio, announced that Helsinki will provide 3 million euros in aid to improve food security in Ukraine.

Additionally, the Ministry of Defense of Finland recently announced that the country will provide Ukraine with a new military aid package. The value of the equipment included in this batch is approximately 190 million euros.