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F-16 for Ukraine - Denmark to transfer 19 fighters

F-16 for Ukraine - Denmark to transfer 19 fighters Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen (photo: Getty Images)

The Danish government will transfer 19 American F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, announces the Prime Minister of Denmark, Mette Frederiksen, according to a joint press conference with President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

"You and your countrymen have shown us what true bravery is. For this, we owe you our full support. Denmark has been on your side since the beginning of the war because your freedom is our freedom. That's why today we announce that we will provide 19 F-16 to Ukraine," she stated.

The Prime Minister emphasized that Denmark, along with the Netherlands, will be able to supply the fighter jets.

"We hope that other countries will follow suit. We believe that Danish fighter jets will help you defend Ukrainian skies, and the Ukrainian people, and reclaim the lands that rightfully belong to you," she added.


The F-16 fighter jets are essential for Ukraine not only to defend against regular Russian terrorist attacks but also to enable our troops to compete with Russian aviation.

Recently, the United States approved the transfer of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine from Denmark and the Netherlands. According to Jake Sullivan, an advisor to the US President on national security, Ukraine will receive the aircraft after the completion of pilot training.

Additionally, the Netherlands has announced that they will provide Ukraine with 42 American fighter jets.