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Debris from Russian drone found near border with Ukraine in Romania

Debris from Russian drone found near border with Ukraine in Romania
Author: Daryna Vialko

On Monday, September 9, the debris from a Russian drone was found in the Romanian county of Tulcea, near the border with Ukraine, according to the press service of the Romanian Ministry of Defense.

According to the Ministry, specialists from the Romanian Ministry of Defense, Intelligence Service and the Ministry of Internal Affairs collected fragments of a Russian drone on the outskirts of the village of Periprava in Tulcea County. They will now be submitted for examination in accordance with legal procedures.

The Romanian Ministry of Defense added: “In the near future, searches will also take place in the vicinity of the village of Caraorman, where there is reportedly another possible crash site.”

They also noted that the debris was found outside of the settlements, and no infrastructure elements were damaged.

Not the first case

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion of Ukraine, Romania has repeatedly reported that it has found the debris of Russian drones on its territory.

For example, after Russia's attack on Ukraine on July 31, new drone fragments were found in Romania in the Ceatalchioi area of Tulcea County.

Also, on August 20, fragments of Russian drones were found again in Romania.

In addition, according to the Air Force, on the night of September 8, a Russian drone flew into Romania from the Odesa region. At the same time, residents of the Romanian counties bordering Ukraine received notifications about the threat of falling objects.