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Russian drones violate Romanian airspace - Ukrainian Air Forces

Russian drones violate Romanian airspace - Ukrainian Air Forces Iranian drone Shahed (photo: Getty Images)

On the night of September 7-8, Russian forces breached Romanian airspace, with strike drones entering the country, according to a Telegram update from the Ukrainian Air Force.

A group of strike drones violated Romanian airspace, the update read at 02:49.

Ten minutes later, the military provided an update on the Shaheds:

  • drones were heading towards Sadove in the Odesa region;
  • drones in the southern Odesa region were on course towards Vylkove and Kiliia;
  • drones were spotted over Romania in the Sabangia area.

Updated at 03:41

The military reported that the drone had left Romanian territory.

"It flew over Vylkove and continues to move along the coastal waters of the Odesa region," the Air Force noted.