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Zelenskyy talks with new UK Prime Minister and announces 100-year agreement

Zelenskyy talks with new UK Prime Minister and announces 100-year agreement Photo: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (
Author: Daryna Vialko

On Friday, July 5, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy had his first phone conversation with the newly appointed Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Keir Starmer, according to the President's Telegram channel.

Zelenskyy congratulated Starmer on his election victory and wished him to successfully fulfill the expectations that the British people have for the new government.

In his turn, Starmer assured that the UK's support for Ukraine would remain unchanged.

"We coordinated our positions ahead of the NATO summit in Washington and other international events and discussed the continuation of bilateral cooperation, including the preparation of an unprecedented 100-year agreement between Ukraine and the United Kingdom," Zelenskyy wrote.

New composition of the UK government

Today, a new Prime Minister Keir Starmer was appointed in the UK. His party won the parliamentary elections.

Later, Starmer announced the composition of the new British government. In particular, the British Foreign Office is headed by David Lammy, who has already visited Kyiv and publicly supported Ukraine.