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Zelenskyy reveals details of Russia's plan to attack Ukraine's nuclear power plants this fall

Zelenskyy reveals details of Russia's plan to attack Ukraine's nuclear power plants this fall Photo: Volodymyr Zelenskyy, President of Ukraine (Getty Images)

Russian forces may attack Ukrainian nuclear power plants this autumn, making them their targets, according to a speech by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at a UN Security Council meeting.

The head of state reminded that the Russian dictator has violated numerous norms and rules, and he will not stop on his own. Russia can only be forced into peace.

According to Zelenskyy, the aggressor, who is a violator of the UN Charter, must be stopped in this war.

The president emphasized that with the approach of winter, Russia is once again attempting to destroy the Ukrainian energy system.

"And this fall, they are being even more cynical. They are preparing to target our nuclear power plants, three of them. We have this information, we have proof of this. If Russia is ready to go that far, it means nothing, your values, matter to Moscow," Zelenskyy added.

What preceded this

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy emphasized that Russia is using Chinese satellites to photograph Ukraine's nuclear facilities.

According to him, when attempts are detected by the Russian Federation to photograph certain objects using satellites, the aggressor country subsequently attacks them.

Moreover, on August 26, four power units at Ukrainian nuclear power plants were de-energized due to a massive Russian strike on Ukraine. As noted by the head of the Office of the President of Ukraine, Andrii Yermak, Putin is threatening the world with a nuclear catastrophe.

Additionally, according to Energoatom, over 100 drones and missiles flew near Ukrainian nuclear power plants within a month.