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Zelenskyy meets with Biden to discuss Ukraine's victory plan

Zelenskyy meets with Biden to discuss Ukraine's victory plan Photo: US and Ukrainian Presidents Joe Biden and Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy met with his American counterpart Joe Biden on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York. The two sides agreed to discuss Ukraine’s victory plan in Washington on September 26, according to the website of the Presidential Office of Ukraine.

The Presidential Office of Ukraine noted that during the meeting, Zelenskyy thanked Biden and the United States for the support provided to Ukraine, which is saving the lives of Ukrainians and helping the state maintain its independence.

"The Ukrainian leader briefed the US President on the situation in Ukraine, particularly on the frontlines. Volodymyr Zelenskyy focused on the Plan for Victory. The leaders agreed to discuss it during negotiations in Washington on September 26," the statement from the Presidential Office read.

Additionally, Zelenskyy and Biden participated in a special G7+ meeting dedicated to the issue of rebuilding Ukraine. More than 30 countries and the European Union signed a declaration regarding post-war reconstruction efforts in Ukraine.

During his address at the event, Zelenskyy remarked that after the devastating Second World War, allies implemented the Marshall Plan, which strengthened peace and helped it become truly enduring.

"Today, we are laying the foundation for a similar architecture of recovery – one that will promote peace for Ukraine and all of Europe and the general welfare," Zelenskyy stated.

A video of Biden and Zelenskyy's remarks during the Group of Seven + Ukraine meeting on the reconstruction of Ukraine was also released.

Zelenskyy’s visit to the US

Earlier reports indicated that this week, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy began an official visit to the United States. The head of state previously stated that during the visit, he would present his victory plan for Ukraine, which is closely linked to US military assistance.

According to the Ukrainian president, this plan includes many decisions by the end of 2024.

Additionally, it was noted that on September 24, the spokesperson for the President of Ukraine announced that Zelenskyy would meet with Biden twice over two days.

Read more about the visit of the President of Ukraine in a separate RBC-Ukraine articleZelenskyy begins working visit to US: Decision on war will be made in fall”.