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Zelenskyy to visit US next week, where he will meet with Biden, Harris, and Trump

Zelenskyy to visit US next week, where he will meet with Biden, Harris, and Trump Photo: President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy will visit the United States next week. He has a series of meetings scheduled there, along with a speech at the UN, according to the President's Office.

According to the President's Office, Zelenskyy will address the UN General Assembly. He will meet with representatives of American defense and energy companies, as well as the Ukrainian community. He will also hold bilateral talks with leaders of countries and international organizations.

Zelenskyy has a meeting scheduled with US President Joe Biden, where he will present his plan for victory. He plans to discuss the details of this plan and the support from the United States in Ukraine's struggle for freedom.

"President of Ukraine plans to meet with Vice President Kamala Harris, representatives of the US Congress from both parties, and the 45th President of the United States, Donald Trump," the statement said.

Updated at 08:25 PM

As clarified by the White House, the meeting between Zelenskyy and Biden will take place on Thursday, September 26.

Kamala Harris will meet with Zelenskyy separately.

Zelenskyy's plan for victory

A few weeks ago, President Volodymyr Zelenskyy announced the preparation of a plan for victory in the war. He later confirmed that this plan is now ready, and the next key step is its implementation.

Previously, the Bild news agency reported that Ukraine was allegedly ready for a "freeze" of the conflict. However, this information was proven to be false.

Details of the plan have not yet been made public, but Zelenskyy described it as "clear" and "frank." The document will initially be presented to US President Joe Biden, as it is closely linked to US assistance.

It is currently known that the State Department has already familiarized itself with the "elements" of Zelenskyy's plan for victory.