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US State Department officials familiarized with Zelenskyy's victory plan

US State Department officials familiarized with Zelenskyy's victory plan Matthew Miller, representative of the US Department of State (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

Representatives of the US Department of State have been briefed on elements of Ukraine’s victory plan. This took place during their recent visit to Kyiv, citing US State Department spokesperson Matthew Miller during a briefing.

"We were briefed on elements of the plan when we were in Kyiv last week, and yes, we share the Ambassador Thomas-Greenfield’s assessment (Linda Thomas-Greenfield, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations - ed.). As President Zelenskyy has said, he looks forward to presenting that plan in detail to the President (Joe Biden, White House chief - ed.) in the coming days and weeks, and I think we’ll await that meeting before offering any kind of further conclusions about it," Miller said.

At the same time, Miller declined to comment on whether there are any specific timelines for the implementation of the victory plan. He explained that it is Zelenskyy who must outline all the details.

Ukraine's victory plan

During the "Ukraine 2024. Independence" Forum, Zelenskyy said that he plans to present Ukraine’s victory plan to Biden as early as September. He added that this would allow Kyiv to understand whether its allies are ready for Ukraine to win, or if the West merely aims to contain the dictator, Vladimir Putin.

It is also known that the president will present the plan not only to the current US president but also to two other candidates.