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Washington has already seen Zelenskyy’s peace plan - US Ambassador to UN

Washington has already seen Zelenskyy’s peace plan - US Ambassador to UN Photo: Linda Thomas-Greenfield, US Ambassador to the UN (Flickr by US Department of State)

The United States has already reviewed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s victory plan. This initiative could be effective, states US Ambassador to the UN Linda Thomas-Greenfield.

"We have seen President Zelenskyy’s peace plan. We think it lays out a strategy and a plan that can work, and we need to see how we can promote that as we engage with all of the countries, heads of state, who will be here in New York," the diplomat noted.

According to her, the US has never lost hope of finding a path to peace, whether it concerns the situation in Gaza or in Ukraine.

Thomas-Greenfield expressed hope that some progress could be made toward ending the war.

What preceded this

Last month, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy first spoke about his victory plan. The Ukrainian leader planned to present it to US President Joe Biden, as well as US presidential candidates Kamala Harris and Donald Trump at the end of September.

On September 16, the Ukrainian president emphasized that the victory plan is already 90% complete.

According to him, the plan will be presented to allies next week.

Zelenskyy also mentioned that the plan consists of five points – four main ones and one that needs to be executed after the war ends.

For more details on Zelenskyy’s victory plan, see the RBC-Ukraine material.