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Zelenskyy on Ukraine's victory plan: It will show what our partners are ready for

Zelenskyy on Ukraine's victory plan: It will show what our partners are ready for President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Ukraine's victory plan has to show whether the allies are ready for Kyiv to win or whether they only want to contain Russian president Vladimir Putin. Ukrainians need to know the answer to this question, says President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in an interview with NBC News.

“I wanted to show President Biden the victory plan. But I wanted to show it after we had success in the Kursk region. That's why I hadn't done it before. And that's why I will definitely show it to him. Our understanding of how things should be, how Ukraine can win,” the president said.

According to Zelenskyy, the plan can be implemented with the support of Ukraine's partners, not Russia's desire or unwillingness. He noted that this feature was important to him so that no one would ask later whether the Kremlin would “go for it.”

“This plan does not depend on them (Russians - ed.). And it includes the choice of our partners. Either they agree that Ukraine must win, or they are not ready for our victory but are only ready to contain Putin. And I want to find this answer for our people as well. It is very important for these people,” Zelenskyy said.

In his opinion, the victory plan is subjective and does not depend solely on Ukraine. So, he cannot be sure that Kyiv will be able to implement it.

“But it seemed to me that this plan is correct. And the first part of it was the corresponding operation, part of which you saw in the Kursk region,” he explained.


Zelenskyy explained that the Ukrainian victory plan is 4+1 - four points are what is necessary, and one is after the war.

“That is, the basic plan is four points. I will not tell you all the details. I will talk about all the details with President Biden,” he added.

Ukraine's victory plan

During the Ukraine 2024. Independence forum, Zelenskyy announced that in September he intends to present a plan for Ukraine's victory to US President Joe Biden.

Deputy head of the President's Office Mykhailo Podolyak highlighted some of the points in the victory plan. These include, for example, the operation in the Kursk region, and economic and political issues.