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Zelenskyy begins working visit to US: Decision on war will be made in fall

Zelenskyy begins working visit to US: Decision on war will be made in fall Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy has begun a working visit to the United States. He has planned a number of events there, including at the UN General Assembly.

“We are starting a visit to the United States. Now we are flying to Pennsylvania, for a special visit. Then to New York, Washington,” he said.

According to him, this fall it will be decided what will happen next with the Russian-Ukrainian war. To this end, a victory plan will be presented, and US President Joe Biden will be the first to see it in full.

“Of course, I will present the victory plan to all the leaders of the partner countries, who, like President Biden, are leaders of the world and can become leaders of the world by helping us with the victory plan. Let's also present it to Congress - both parties - and to both presidential candidates in the United States,” Zelenskyy emphasized.

He also added that America has the strength to work with Ukraine and its partners to ensure the peace envisioned in the Ukrainian peace formula.

Program of the visit

Zelenskyy will address the UN General Assembly, meet with representatives of American defense and energy companies, and the Ukrainian community, and hold bilateral talks with leaders of countries and international organizations on the sidelines of the General Assembly.

He will also meet with the President of the United States and expects to discuss the details of the victory plan, as well as the support of Ukraine by its partners. In addition, he is scheduled to meet with Kamala Harris and Donald Trump.

As for contacts with other world leaders, so far he has met with Japanese Prime Minister Fumio Kishida.

According to the AP, the President of Ukraine is flying to Pennsylvania to visit the Scranton Army Ammunition Plant, which produces 155-mm artillery shells. He is accompanied by representatives of the Pentagon and Pennsylvania Governor Ben Shapiro.