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Zelenskyy believes allies will allow to strike deep into Russia, but this requires US decision

Zelenskyy believes allies will allow to strike deep into Russia, but this requires US decision Photo: President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy plans to discuss with US President Joe Biden the authorization of strikes on Russian territory, ABC News reports.

The Ukrainian leader notes that he would raise the issue with Biden again this week.

According to him, a long-range strike permit would allow Ukraine to strike Russian airbases used to drop hundreds of bombs on eastern Ukraine.

Zelenskyy also expresses confidence that Ukraine's other allies, such as France, UK, Italy, and Germany, are ready to support this decision, but emphasizes that the United States should lead the process.

“The main role is in the United States, in the president of United States, Biden. Everybody's looking up to him, and we need this to defend ourselves,” Zelenskyy emphasizes.

Strikes deep into Russia

There have been disagreements between Ukraine's allies over the possibility of the Ukrainian military using Western weapons to strike Russian territory.

The United States maintains a ban on such actions, while the United Kingdom is actively lobbying to change this position. Despite this, London's official position has not yet changed.

At the same time, The Washington Post reported that the United States expressed doubts about the effectiveness of Ukraine's use of long-range missiles to strike Russian territory. According to representatives of the White House and the Pentagon, Ukrainian leaders failed to provide sufficient arguments in favor of such a strategy.