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UK responds whether its position on Storm Shadow strikes deep into Russia changed

UK responds whether its position on Storm Shadow strikes deep into Russia changed Photo: UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer (Getty Images)

The UK government has not changed its position on the use of Storm Shadow missiles by Ukrainian forces for strikes on Russia, states the spokesperson for British Prime Minister Keir Starmer.

"We remain in constant contact with the Ukrainians and will always listen to their position. As you can expect at UNGA (UN General Assembly), we will be focused on a number of issues; that includes ongoing support for Ukraine in their defense against Russia’s aggression, but also a ceasefire in Gaza and a de-escalation of tensions in Lebanon amongst others," she stated.

Commenting on the use of Storm Shadow missiles, the spokesperson emphasized that the UK's position remains unchanged.

"When it comes to that, our position remains unchanged. I think, as the PM said following his trip to Washington just last week, our ongoing discussions on Ukraine are not about one specific bit of military equipment. They are broader discussions about strategy and about how we support Ukraine during what is a crucial period over the next few months and as we enter winter," she noted.

Strikes deep into Russia

Recently, Ukraine's allies have once again been discussing the possibility of lifting restrictions on the use of weapons provided to the Ukrainian Armed Forces for strikes on Russian territory.

The Guardian reported that the US and the UK have allegedly already made such a decision, but have not yet announced it publicly. There is currently no official confirmation of this information.

Meanwhile, Voice of America reported that US President Joe Biden has not lifted restrictions on Ukraine for strikes on Russian territory. At the same time, the UK is engaged in "delicate" negotiations with the White House on this matter.