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US and UK approve Ukraine strikes on Russian territory without announcing – Guardian

US and UK approve Ukraine strikes on Russian territory without announcing – Guardian Photo: US President Donald Trump (Getty Images)

The United States and the United Kingdom have granted Kyiv permission to strike targets in Russia's rear with long-range missiles, but this has not been officially announced, reports The Guardian.

The publication, citing its own sources, noted that London and Washington have decided to allow Ukraine to use long-range missiles but are not yet ready to announce it.

"Deploying the missiles, western officials add, should be part of a wider plan designed to try to bring about an end to the full-scale war," the report states.

Permission for strikes with Western missiles on Russian rear positions

For several months, Kyiv has been seeking permission from the U.S. and the UK to use Western long-range missiles against targets and airbases in Russia’s rear. However, both governments have prohibited the Ukrainian Armed Forces from carrying out such actions, fearing significant escalation.

On Friday, 13 September, US President Joe Biden and UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer held a meeting at the White House. The leaders discussed granting permission for strikes on Russian rear positions.

Before this, White House National Security Adviser John Kirby noted that the US ban on such strikes has not been lifted and will not be lifted.

Following the meeting, Starmer stated that a decision on granting permission has not yet been made.