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US to help Ukraine have strong position in peace talks with Russia - Kirby

US to help Ukraine have strong position in peace talks with Russia - Kirby Photo: John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the US National Security Council (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The United States intends to help Ukraine maintain a strong position as it prepares for negotiations to end the war with Russia, according to John Kirby, the Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the US National Security Council.

According to Kirby, the US has supported the international promotion of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's peace formula, which has garnered significant international backing.

Kirby noted, "If this war is going to end through some sort of negotiation, we want to make sure that President Zelenskyy is in the best possible position to make decisions about what that negotiation looks like."

"We are absolutely focused on making sure Ukraine has what it needs to defend itself and to put them in that position of strength should, if, and when a negotiation occurs," Kirby added.

As a reminder, during a press briefing at the White House on September 5, John Kirby stated that 90% of Russian fighter jets are stationed at airfields more than 300 kilometers from the Ukraine-Russia border. As a result, American ATACMS ballistic missiles would not be capable of reaching enemy aviation at such distances.

Zelenskyy's peace formula

In June, a peace summit was held in Switzerland to discuss the implementation of President Zelenskyy's so-called peace formula. Representatives from approximately 100 countries and international organizations attended the meeting.

By the end of the year, Ukraine plans to host a second peace summit in Saudi Arabia.

Recently, Zelenskyy announced that Ukraine will hold the territory it has captured in the Kursk region, as it is an integral part of his victory plan for ending the war. He intends to present this proposal to international partners, including the US.

Meanwhile, the Republic of South Africa has endorsed an alternative plan for ending the war between Ukraine and Russia, previously proposed by China and Brazil.