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White House: ATACMS will not be able to hit 90% of Russian aircraft used to attack Ukraine

White House: ATACMS will not be able to hit 90% of Russian aircraft used to attack Ukraine Photo: John Kirby (Getty Images)

Claims that Ukraine could use ATACMS to strike Russian military aircraft are incorrect. 90% of the aircraft used for bombings are based outside the 300-kilometer range from Ukraine's borders, according to a statement by John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the US National Security Council, during a briefing.

According to Kirby, the belief that Ukraine could strike Russian military aircraft with long-range ATACMS is incorrect. This is because 90% of such aircraft are stationed beyond the 300-kilometer range from Ukraine's borders.

Kirby stated that the idea that providing Ukraine with long-range ATACMS would enable them to hit airbases and most of the aircraft attacking Ukraine is incorrect.

Ban on strikes against Russia

A number of Western partners are providing Ukraine with long-range missiles capable of targeting areas within a 300-kilometer radius. The Ukrainian Armed Forces are permitted to use this weaponry on the condition that it is not used to strike Russian territory. Specifically, the US has prohibited Ukrainian defenders from using ATACMS to hit targets within Russia.

France, on the other hand, has authorized strikes only against sites from which missiles are launched.

Recently, Ukrainian Defense Minister Rustem Umerov stated that Ukraine has provided the US with a list of targets for deep strikes with ATACMS within Russia.

He noted that Russian military forces have moved their valuable military assets far from the front line.

Allies explain these restrictions by the fear of escalation. However, the battles in the Kursk region initiated by Ukraine could change their perspective. More details on this can be found in the RBC-Ukraine material.