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UN Condemns massive Russian attack on Ukraine: Even in war there are rules

UN Condemns massive Russian attack on Ukraine: Even in war there are rules Photo: The UN condemned Russia's massive attack on Ukraine (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

The new UN coordinator and Humanitarian Coordinator for Ukraine, Matthias Schmale, condemned Russia's massive attack on Ukraine on Monday, August 26, according to his statement.

According to Schmale, he spent several hours in a shelter this morning due to a wave of attacks on Ukraine by Russian troops that killed and injured civilians and caused significant damage to civilian infrastructure.

"It is unacceptable that instead of getting on with their lives, the citizens of this country are having to seek safety in metro stations and other shelters. Even in war there are rules. International humanitarian law must be respected. Civilians must be protected," emphasized the UN Humanitarian Coordinator.

Shelling of Ukraine on August 26

This morning, Russia launched a large-scale air attack on Ukraine. The Russian forces launched more than a hundred missiles of various types and about a hundred Shahed kamikaze drones.

The attack caused power outages in a number of regions.

In addition, some areas of the country experienced water cuts due to issues with electricity supply.

Read more about the consequences of the massive shelling of Ukraine in the material by RBC-Ukraine.